Encoding Tool

Instructions for encoders

Printable PDF file with encoding instructions, or see steps below:

  1. select Pending Tasks on your tasklist filter
  2. click on task from tasklist to start the encoding process.
  3. enter bibliographic information at reference details tab
  4. if your measurements do not require new datablocks, enter measurements at add measurements tab.
  5. if you need to create new decay modes and/or datablock nodes for your encoding, go to toolboxtab and use add decay mode, add branching ratio and add generic node subtabs. After new nodes are created, go to add measurements tab to add measurements for new nodes
  6. go to review & sign off tab to see the summary of your encoding. This tab is the final step of encoding process where you can \'Sign off\' your encoding, also it is the page where you can check and edit all the data that you encoded. use \'edit\' links to edit measurements, decay texts, datablock headers, or to change decays/datablocks locations. Use \'del\' links to delete data, if needed. Use check links to run fits & averages and to check PDF files. Use node links to include/exclude datablocks from constrained fits, if needed. When encoding is done - click \'Sign off\' button and it will bring you back to tasklist, where you can select another task to encode. \'Signed off\' encodings will disappear from your pending tasks list, to see them select Completed Tasks on the tasklist filter.

Instructions for overseers

  1. select Pending Tasks on your tasklist filter.
  2. click on task to see the summary of encoding.
  3. Use \'edit\' links to make changes if needed
  4. Use \'check\' links to run fits & averages and to check PDF files
  5. If everything is correct, click \'Sign off\' button to send the task to editor
  6. You can return encoding back to encoder by clicking \'Return to Encoder\' button.

How To
