Go through following tabs to complete encoding
  1. reference details - bibliographic part of encoding
  2. add measurements - factographic part of encoding. Skip for theoretical encodings (e.g. SOTH, ROTH,...)
  3. toolbox - use it prior to 'add measurements' if you need to add new decay modes and datablock nodes
  4. review & sign off - go to this tab to check and edit the entered data, and to sign off the encoding. By signing off the encoding you will return to encodings tasklist.
  5. return to task list link - use this link whenever you need to return to task list.
  6. messages link - pops up a window to add new message for current encoding or to see the list of other messages of encoding
in toolbox tab, there are 3 additional subtabs, allowing to create decay modes and datablocks
  1. add decay mode
  2. add branching ratio
  3. add generic node - datablock other than branching ratio (mass, width, ...)
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 0-navigate.png r1 manage 60.8 K 2016-09-30 - 05:05 Kirill  
PNGpng 0-start.png r1 manage 80.8 K 2016-09-30 - 05:05 Kirill  
PNGpng _nav1.png r1 manage 48.4 K 2016-10-05 - 19:51 Kirill  
PNGpng _nav2.png r1 manage 33.6 K 2016-10-05 - 19:51 Kirill  
PNGpng nav1.png r1 manage 47.1 K 2016-10-05 - 19:50 Kirill  
PNGpng nav2.png r1 manage 59.4 K 2016-10-05 - 03:44 Kirill  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-07-23 - Kirill
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