Hints for Installing and Running LaTeX

This page collects useful hints for installing and running LaTeX on your laptop or PC. It is intended to supplement your system's documentation and to address frequently encountered issues, but is not meant to be a comprehensive guide for installing and running LaTeX.

General LaTeX documentation and hints

Hints for using LaTeX on MacOS

Hints for using LaTeX on Linux

Hints for using LaTeX on Windows

Use MiKTeX (https://miktex.org) to process LaTeX on Windows.

IMPORTANT: Before processing LaTeX reviews with MiKTeX, add directory containing 'pdg.cls' as new 'root' directory in MiKTeX settings (figure 1) and refresh program's database of files (figure 2) or restart MiKTeX.

figure 1:


figure 2:


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This topic: Pdg > ReviewTool > LaTeXHints
Topic revision: r2 - 2018-11-08 - Kirill
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