Format of Affiliation Information in the PDG Author List

The affiliation of PDG authors is given in the author list of the Review of Particle Physics. The author list is included in the journal publication, the printed PDG Book, and on the web. Individual review articles show the affiliation of the corresponding authors in an abbreviated format. The PDG Booklet lists only the names of PDG authors but not their affiliations.

This page discusses how the affiliation(s) of PDG authors are listed.

Detailed affiliation information

The detailed affiliation information shown in the PDG author list includes:

  • Name of the department or institute
  • Name of the university or laboratory
  • City (plus, for the US, abbreviated state)
  • Country
In the detailed affiliation information, "department", "institute", "university" etc are not abbreviated.

When customary, the order of department and university can be reversed.

In contrast to previous editions, the full address (street etc) is no longer included.

Abbreviated affilation (short form)

In review articles and in the list of consultants, affiliations are given in an abbreviated short form that includes only the name of the university or institutions (e.g. "U. of Chicago") and that is abbreviated as much as possible.

This topic: Pdg > WebHome > AffiliationConvention
Topic revision: r2 - 2017-03-24 - Beringer
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