go to add measurements tab

Find the datablock for new measurement. To do that, either enter the datablock node to 'enter node or parcode' field in Datablock Browser, or navigate through the list of datablocks and select the proper one.


2. Click on datablock node to copy it to the input field (or enter the same node into node field) and start entering the measurement. Use question marks on each field to see examples and specific instructions. If you need to add 'Fit type' or 'Charge' - use 'show additional fields' checkbox.


3. Use texts from displayed datablock as examples of how your data should be entered. Evaluate macros toggle switches display of the datablock texts from how they were initially entered in the database to how they appear in the printed book



4. Inline comment and Footnote fields allows PDG Macros and TeX. Click on question marks on these fields to see examples of proper entry. Use preview links to see how the data you entered will show up


5. If you want to attach existing footnotes from selected datablock to your measurement, use 'attach existing footnote' link


6. Click 'Save' button when the measurement is complete. NOTE: You can edit or delete your measurements using edit/del links on datablock panel or on 'review & sign off' tab.
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng 14-meas1.png r1 manage 101.6 K 2016-09-30 - 03:54 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas2.png r1 manage 53.6 K 2016-09-30 - 03:54 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas3.png r1 manage 114.7 K 2016-09-30 - 03:54 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas4.png r1 manage 37.8 K 2016-09-30 - 03:54 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas5.png r1 manage 34.4 K 2016-09-30 - 03:54 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas6.png r1 manage 32.0 K 2016-09-30 - 03:55 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas7.png r1 manage 9.9 K 2016-09-30 - 03:55 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas8.png r1 manage 95.2 K 2016-09-30 - 03:55 Kirill  
PNGpng 14-meas9.png r1 manage 28.5 K 2016-09-30 - 03:55 Kirill  
PNGpng meas1.png r1 manage 127.3 K 2016-10-05 - 04:35 Kirill  
PNGpng meas2.png r1 manage 85.8 K 2016-10-05 - 04:41 Kirill  
PNGpng meas3.png r1 manage 39.8 K 2016-10-05 - 04:41 Kirill  
PNGpng meas4.png r1 manage 28.7 K 2016-10-05 - 04:41 Kirill  
PNGpng meas5.png r1 manage 20.7 K 2016-10-05 - 04:54 Kirill  
PNGpng meas6.png r1 manage 98.1 K 2016-10-05 - 04:59 Kirill  
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Topic revision: r5 - 2019-07-23 - Kirill
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