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Results from Pdg web retrieved at 02:44 (GMT)

to add new branching ratio node, go to toolbox tab, add branching ratio subtab, then: 1 specify where to insert the new branching ratio by clicking on the desired...
To add new decay mode, go to toolbox tab, then 1 specify where to insert the new branching ratio by clicking on one of grey bars between decay modes on left panel...
To add new footnote to existing measurement use measurement`s `edit` link (on particle browser panel of add `measurement tab` or on `review sign off tab`) to open...
To attach an existing footnote to the new measurement use `attach footnote(s)` link on `add measurements` tab. This will open new window with the list of all footnotes...
To attach an existing footnote to existing measurement find the measurement on `datablock browser` panel of add measurement tab or on review sign off tab and click...
go to add measurements tab Find the datablock for new measurement. To do that, either enter the datablock node to `enter node or parcode` field in Datablock Browser...
to add new generic node, go to toolbox tab, add generic node subtab, then: 1 specify where to insert the new datablock node by clicking on one of grey bars on left...
Format of Affiliation Information in the PDG Author List The affiliation of PDG authors is given in the author list of the Review of Particle Physics. The author list...
Click on `edit encoder/overseer assignments` link to assign encoder/overseer to the task Now, the names of encoder and overseer in tasklist appears as dropdown menus...
Number of topics: 10

Topic revision: r57 - 2023-07-27 - Beringer
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